Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Dates n Things

For the survival week I'm currently working on Monday October the 26th as the start date, running though to Saturday the 31st. So put pen to colanders my friends.

Once again, do let me know if you are serious about taking part - it's not necessary to commit to all 5 days. Closer to the time I'll publish the schedule for the syllabus so you can pick and choose. You can let me know by email at (marcus.glendinning(at) Numbers will determine the types of facilities we can get sorted so the sooner I know the better.

One of the most well received things to bring along to an adventure like this is a good tale or a song - especially if they contain their own special wisdom. Check out this poem:
Oak-logs will warm you well
That are old and dry
Logs of pine will sweetly smell
But the sparks will fly
Birch-logs will burn too fast
Chestnut scarce at all
Hawthorn-logs are good to last
Cut them in the fall.
Holly-logs will burn like wax
You may burn them green
Elm-logs are like smouldering flax
With no flame to be seen
Beech-logs for winter time
Yew-logs as well
Green elder-logs it is a crime
For any man to sell.
Pear-logs and apple-logs
They will scent your room
Cherry-logs across the dogs
Will smell like flower of broom
But ash-logs, smooth and grey
Burn them green or old
Buy up all that come your way
They're worth their weight in gold.

(I think this was from an old book
called Celtic Tree Mysteries).

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